The lifesource of unconditional love

Oh how I have been contemplating the understanding of unconditional love… a concept elusive to us but through the Word of God ( Yahweh ) who gave us His love story through the testimony of His Son Jesus Christ.

How do we hope to even understand it?  My heart is very desperate to do this because it is the ” life source ” of all we are.  It is the the foundation of trusting which is “faith” and whether it comes from the seeking for the understanding of it through time alone with Jesus or reading of the Word– it is a hard thing to comprehend— this unconditional love He has for us. Is it hard for you?
Perhaps it is because it is a pure gift to us — for the taking.
Why is this so on my mind? Because this week, this past day the need for it is a primal cry in children that are in the care of the Yahweh Center Children’s Village.

Not to understand that is what they, these children crave makes us miss the mark… and we cannot do that. The we being those of us who work here in this mission field, we the body of Christ.. us and now more clear to me each day an unsaved world of broken and hurting people.

It is our understanding of this deep need in these little lives  (and also is a need in  all of us ) that gives these children hope–that somehow there exists that unconditional love for them.

Psalm 27 which poured out of the heart of David who was a desperate seeker in understanding the wonder of this love wrote:

7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice!
Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8 When You said, “Seek My face,”
My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”
9 Do not hide Your face from me;
Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
You have been my help;
Do not leave me nor forsake me,
O God of my salvation.
10 When my father and my mother forsake me,
Then the LORD will take care of me.

A little boy who is a beautiful child was in deep deep despair– tearing his heart open with longing for this “lifesource” of need– unconditional love. He just wants to be “home”… loved for himself. Not painted with a brush of misunderstanding of who he is. which is a wonderful little boy who just wants his mother to “get it” that he needs her “unconditional love’ … but it eludes him and he is broken and angry too.

For he has seen it for the first time in the tender hands that care for him in our ministry –those dear people who “get it”  and in the office of his therapist on our staff who lets him open doors that have been closed up tight. Out he comes this special child who just wants to “belong” in a place of unconditional love.

So tell me how we open more of those doors?

He has heard it here in our time with him… that there is a Savior who died for Him that He loved this child ( you and me ) so much to give it all for us. A seed of hope planted in the heart of a child that as it says in verse 10 of Psalm 27 that when his mother and father forsake him … God will be there. ( my paraphrase )

Can we get that? I need to believe it so we can release this child and others that have not yet had a Christian family step up or be identified to embrace them in that thing they so need..

Where is the body of Christ for these children.. please hear our plea for you to open up your hearts and homes. No they are not overseas waiting. They are waiting right here in your backyard of America–waiting and longing.

James 1: 27

27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Meanwhile.. on my daily journey with Him — I try to grasp this great gift His unconditional love.  It must break His heart when I ( we )  miss it ..

But if I look around me His evidence of it is everywhere.. not the least of it in the face of my daughter  who is pictured here the epitome of it with her baby son.


If this urgency in this blog has touched your heart about being an adoptive or therapuetic foster parent for children in our ministry please call

910 675-3533 and see how you can make a difference for a child today.



When Love Takes you in by Stephen Curtis Chapman

2 thoughts on “The lifesource of unconditional love

  1. Carla…Great to find you on WordPress. and this format to read your writings! I started here in 2007…but got behind and did not get back til this year. I am still learning more about how to navigate around on site…but would like to be a part of your Blog Roll! Lifestreams Flow~

    Blessings….We need to catch up!

    Sandy Brunson

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